The Power of a Story
You are a buyer. Two sales reps showed up. One offered you Proposal A. The sales rep rattled off every single product specification, along with the 100-year history of his company. You saw a 100-page booklet full of shiny pictures. Whoopee.
The other sales rep offered you Proposal B. Her primary sales tool was a story of someone just like you. The hero of her story had the same issues you are facing today. What a coincidence. In her story, the sales rep took the hero through difficult times, all the way to ultimate success. She closed by saying, "If you want to succeed like our hero, make the same choices as our hero: choose our product."
You immediately chose Proposal B.
You are the seller. Do you want to present Proposal A or Proposal B?
Click here to learn how to be the best storyteller. Then you'll always be offering Proposal B.