The Best Sales Story Is a True Story

Truth or Consequences

When you use stories to sell, you have two choices:

  1. Make up a tall tale, a work of fiction.
  2. Tell a true story.

The fictional story will make your product look spectacular. There's a problem: no one will believe that story.

A true story will show real people using your product. Your story will be authentic. Your audience will trust it. By extension, they will begin to trust you.

Structure of a True Story that Sells

Here are six steps for writing your true product experience story:

  1. Introduce the main character. Describe their surroundings and their history, if necessary to complete the introduction.
  2. Describe the problem they faced.
  3. Tell how they found your product.
  4. Describe what happened when they used your product. Did it work perfectly? Were there any problems? Any surprises? Show the outcome.
  5. State the moral of the story: your product helps real people solve real problems, better than other products.
  6. Conclude with a call to action: "If those are the results you want, here's how to order."

It's Your Turn

Use the structure shown above to write your first true product-based story. Sell more by letting the world know how real people achieved more with your product.

Mike Goss

I'm Mike Goss, PMP, DTM, Certified Coach. I help sales professionals, project managers business owners achieve more.

Project managers use my PMP Boot Camps to prepare for their PMP or CAPM certification exam. Their new certification opens doors for income and career advancement.

Sales professionals use my Sales Storytelling training to close more sales by touching the hearts of more buyers, and motivating them to buy.

Sales managers and business owners use my Sales Project Management training to turn their sales goal into a project goal. We use the principles of project management to achieve greater sales, greater margins and more referrals.

Author: I wrote "Breaking Through Walls," a business novel about overcoming obstacles.

Speaker: I present keynote speeches and educational sessions on Leadership, Communication, Problem-Solving and Project Management. Clients include the Oregon Department of Public Safety, the Oregon State Sheriffs Association, the Trauma Intervention Program and the Portland Chapter of the Project Management Institute.

Do You Sell Intentionally, or Accidentally?


Are You Relevant to Your Customers?