The Best Sales Story Is a True Story
Truth or Consequences
When you use stories to sell, you have two choices:
- Make up a tall tale, a work of fiction.
- Tell a true story.
The fictional story will make your product look spectacular. There's a problem: no one will believe that story.
A true story will show real people using your product. Your story will be authentic. Your audience will trust it. By extension, they will begin to trust you.
Structure of a True Story that Sells
Here are six steps for writing your true product experience story:
- Introduce the main character. Describe their surroundings and their history, if necessary to complete the introduction.
- Describe the problem they faced.
- Tell how they found your product.
- Describe what happened when they used your product. Did it work perfectly? Were there any problems? Any surprises? Show the outcome.
- State the moral of the story: your product helps real people solve real problems, better than other products.
- Conclude with a call to action: "If those are the results you want, here's how to order."
It's Your Turn
Use the structure shown above to write your first true product-based story. Sell more by letting the world know how real people achieved more with your product.