What Happens When You Apply Project Management at a Toastmasters Club?
When you think about it, growing a Toastmasters club is just like growing any other organization. At the beginning of the year, you have two choices:
- Wing it. Do your best. Work hard. I'm sure something good will happen. At least, I hope so. When you choose this option, you choose to Let It Happen.
- Apply project management principles to growing your club. Make your plan. Work your plan. When you choose this option, you choose to Make It Happen.
When you apply project management principles to growing your club, you see these benefits:
- Chaos is reduced. Everyone knows what they're supposed to do, and when their work is due.
- Individual and organizational performance improves.
- Your probably of success goes through the roof.
Here's an overview:
- Set written, specific goals, with due dates and accountable people.
- Develop mid-year milestone events, with deliverables, due dates and accountable people.
- Develop the individual activities that lead to each milestone. Give each activity a deliverable, a due date and an accountable person.
- Develop your project plan. Include a calendar containing every activity and milestone event. The best visual planner is a Gantt chart.
- Execute your plan. Regularly monitor your progress.
- Celebrate your success with a party.
This Saturday, I am presenting a Toastmasters Leadership Institute session titled, "How to Earn Your Distinguished Club Award: MAKE It Happen, Don't Just LET It Happen." Learn how it's done, for free.